ASEAN Regional CERT Launched in Singapore

At the 9th ASEAN Ministerial Conference on Cybersecurity (AMCC), Singapore Minister of Digital Development and Information Josephine Teo announced the launch of the physical facility of the ASEAN Regional Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT). Singapore will fund and host the ASEAN Regional CERT for up to 10 years, announcing that it will commit up to US$10.1 million towards this effort. The inaugural meeting of the ASEAN Regional CERT Taskforce was held on August 16 and chaired by Malaysia. During the meeting, the Taskforce discussed next steps to support the implementation of ASEAN Regional CERT’s eight key functions, including facilitating coordination and information sharing between member states’ National CERTs, developing an ASEAN Point of Contact (POC) network of cybersecurity experts and organizations, conducting regional cybersecurity exercises, and developing partnerships with industry and academia. Aside from being the Taskforce’s coordinator, Malaysia is also expected to facilitate efforts to review the current ASEAN Cybersecurity Cooperation Strategy (2021-2025) during its 2025 ASEAN Chairmanship year, in preparation for the next five-year ASEAN-related blueprints.